Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia



System Saturdays – The Brief and Odd Life of the Sega 32x

The Sega 32x is one of the most unusual consoles to have ever been on the market. First of all the system wasn’t sole supportive like any other consoles, and required the Sega Genesis (Maga-Drive) to operate. As strange as… Continue Reading →

8-bit Fridays – The Diaries: April 15, 2016

Field Trips and New Obsessions   It’s been a pretty full three weeks since my last entry. On April 1st my 8-bit Friday was be taken up by my visit to Level 257. The Friday following April 8th, we where… Continue Reading →

The Podcast of Retro Gaming: The Upper Memory Block

I will openly admit that I have a lot of interests, as many other American men do. So with that said as long as I am going to spend 8 hours a day behind a desk unable to partake in… Continue Reading →

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