Noise From The Basement

Retro Video Games, Vinyl Records, and Other Nostalgia



8-bit Fridays: The Diaries – September 23, 2016

With the stressful Monday morning meeting I mentioned last week past, the remaining week got strange whereby the remaining stressful events seemed to fall off my calendar, sadly delaying themselves for the next week. Of course that sounds pleasant, but… Continue Reading →

8-Bit Fridays: Backlogs V – The Legend Continues

I’ll openly admit pushing through 29 games on one platform in less then 48 hours is pretty taxing. But with my Atari 7800 collection now checked in and cataloged I’ve come to realize I’m about 10 games away from completing… Continue Reading →

PC Gaming's Golden Era – It Wasn't Just About the Games

Among retro gamer’s there are many points of contention. For the most part, these points are met with a great deal of fun and humor. For instance there has always been a great deal of back and forth about the… Continue Reading →

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